Physiological pH: Inflamed periodontal tissues have an acidic pH which is
damaging to the supporting tissues around implants and teeth. An acidic pH facilitates the growth of pathogenic bacteria and suppresses the growth of friendly bacteria. P3 formulations are buffered to a neutral pH 7.0 to create a biologically friendly environment.
Anticollagenase: Collagen is the matrix for hard and soft tissues that support implants and teeth. In a diseased state, the high concentration of collagenase interferes with maintenance and regeneration of hard and soft tissues. P3 formulations are a potent neutralizer of the harmful enzyme collagenase.
Microbial Specificity: The active ingredient (doxycycline) in P3 targets pathogenic bacteria.
Calcium Supersaturation: In order to drive the osteogenic/osteoclastic equilibrium in the direction of bone formation (osteogenesis), there must be a readily available source of free calcium in the area. P3 formulas are supersaturated with calcium.
Substantivity: Because the antibiotic active ingredient in P3 has the ability to
reversibly bind (not irreversibly bond) to alveolar bone and root surfaces, it is slowly released over an extended period of time.
Proper Concentration: There is an exact concentration of antibiotic that must be present to achieve the desired clinical results. P3 products are guaranteed to have this exact proper concentration.