Dr. Britt graduated from University of South Alabama with a major in chemistry and minor in biology. He held multiple leadership positions while in college and worked as a laboratory technician at Mobile General Hospital (MGH) to help pay for college expenses. MGH is a teaching hospital so when Dr. Britt was not in the lab performing tests or seeing patients to collect blood samples he was shadowing interns and residents to learn all he could about the patients behind the lab tests he was performing.
After graduating from college, Dr. Britt went to work for the second largest chemical corporation in the world. He spent one full year in management training at the international headquarters in New York City. During this time, he had the privilege to study under some of the brightest international corporate business executives in the world. He then became the southeastern regional technical sales manager with responsibility for large national customer accounts. This corporate experience was invaluable at a later date for handling the corporate business responsibilities associated with P3 Dental Technologies.
Dr. Britt was then accepted into a graduate program at the University of Alabama Medical Center where he earned a triple masters degree in human gross anatomy, neuroanatomy and histology. During this time, he taught these basic science courses in the medical and dental schools. He also performed independent basic science research that was published in the prestigious international Journal of Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology. These medical basic science experiences at the UAB medical center served as an excellent foundation for medically relevant periodontics at a later date.
Dr. Britt was then accepted into University of Alabama School of Dentistry where he earned a doctor of dental medicine degree (DMD). During this time, he served in multiple leadership positions including class president 3 out of the 4 years as well as representing the dental school to multiple national organizations. He also served as special clinical assistant to the dean for 4 years. His responsibilities included preparing lecture material for the dean to present at international oral surgery conferences. This also created a rare opportunity for dental student Britt to work with the dean and oral surgery residents in the evaluation and treatment of complex hospital oral surgery cases. These experiences would be invaluable in his career as a periodontist, with a special emphasis on the medical aspects of periodontology.
Dr Britt was then accepted into the post graduate periodontal residency program at University of Alabama School of Dentistry. During this time, he participated in the hospital and clinical management of periodontal patients. This residency program included training at University Hospital, the Veterans Administration Hospital, Children’s Hospital and Eye Foundation Hospital. Dr. Britt took additional elective hospital rotations to better prepare him for his future career as a periodontist with special emphasis on medically relevant periodontics. He was chosen by the faculty to serve as chief resident during his residency program.
After completing his periodontal residency program, Dr. Britt started the private periodontal practice of George N. Britt DMD PA with clinics in Birmingham and Gadsden, Alabama. During this time Dr. Britt served on the medical staff at Saint Vincent's hospital and had the privilege to co admit and treat periodontal patients with some of the most respected physicians in the southeast. From the very start of private practice, Dr. Britt had a keen interest in exploring non surgical methods of preventing and treating periodontal diseases. Dr. Britt authored one of the first publications on the use of chlorhexidine as a chemotherapeutic agent in the non surgical treatment of periodontal diseases. As founder and CEO of P3 Dental Technologies in 1995, Dr. Britt continues to be actively involved with research and development of pharmaceutical agents to treat periodontal diseases non surgically at the cellular/molecular levels.
Dr. Britt served on the advisory board for the 4 year Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene Program at the University of Alabama School of Dentistry. This offered an opportunity for Dr. Britt to be involved with curriculum development for dental hygienists.
Dr. Britt founded George N. Britt National Private Educational Center dedicated to providing the latest scientific knowledge to dentists, dental specialists, dental hygienists and dental laboratory technicians. Dr.Britt has a background in research and development in implant dentistry. In conjunction with international implant corporations, he developed implant products that are used by dentists worldwide.
Dr. Britt is a member of the Southern Academy of Periodontology and American Academy of Periodontology.
When not pursuing his professional career of periodontics and managing P3 Dental Technologies, Dr. Britt enjoys breeding and training Tennessee Walking horses, working out in the gym, bike riding, restoring classic British sports cars, and water sports. Dr.Britt is also a multi instrument professional musician/recording artist who has toured with nationally known show bands performing “old school R&B" and beach music at large shows and concerts.
She graduated from Chattahoochee Technical College with a degree in surgical technology. During this training, she did hospital rotations in general surgery, neurosurgery, vascular surgery, orthopedics, labor and delivery, gastroenterology, ophthalmology and emergency room medicine. Following her graduation, Michelle accepted a position as surgical assistant with a large multi doctor oral surgery group in Atlanta, where she was promoted to chief surgical assistant. This was an excellent opportunity for Michelle to use her surgical tech training in an outpatient clinic as well as the hospital setting to assist in orofacial trauma and plastic surgery procedures. Michelle was then appointed to position of office manager with the oral surgery group. This allowed Michelle to gain experience in managing employees as well as other administrative responsibilities.
Following her oral surgery experience, Michelle earned a college Associate Degree in Dental Hygiene. She then practiced Dental hygiene in a highly respected general dental practice for 11 years performing all aspects of dental hygiene, dental assisting and practice management.
Presently, Michelle practices dental hygiene with licenses in multiple states. In addition to her clinical hygiene responsibilities, she is the National Director of Operations and Education for P3 Dental Technologies. She presents courses and webinars to dentists and dental hygienists nationally, with a special emphasis on medically relevant dentistry and managing periodontal disease at the cellular molecular levels with the adjunctive use of specialty chemotherapeutic agents .
When not practicing dental hygiene and serving as National Director of Operations and Education for P3 Dental Technologies , Michelle enjoys working out in the gym, bike riding, water sports, horseback riding and spending time with her family and Olde English bulldog, Diesel.