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Autoimmune disease is associated with a malfunction of the immune system which  causes the body to attack its own tissues. The body's immune system is a complex network of specialized cells and organs that defends against foreign substances and invaders. The foreign substances and invaders can include foreign bodies, bacteria, parasites, cancer cells and transplanted tissue or organs. Normally, the body's immune system attacks foreign substances and invaders in order to protect the body. However, the immune system can malfunction and the body mistakes its own tissues as foreign. The immune system then produces immune cells (lymphocytes) and autoantibodies that target and attack those tissues. This autoimmune reaction, causes inflammation and tissue damage. 


Treatment of autoimmune disease focuses on controlling the autoimmune reaction with multiple medication options including: corticosteroids (prednisone etc), NSAIDS, disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs/methotrexate,Trexall,Rasuvo and hydroxychloroquine/Plaquenil), biologics  (Enbrel, Erelzi, Eticovo,Remicade) and JAK inhibitors.  DMARDs target the entire immune system, whereas biologics work by targeting specific steps in the inflammatory process outside the cells (cytokines), and JAK inhibitors block enzymes (JAK1,JAK2, JAK3) inside the cells.

At P3 Dental Technologies we have treatment methods to reduce the periodontal inflammatory burden on the body which can reduce the severity of autoimmune diseases.


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13 reviews
Phenomenal Company and Products

We have been using P3 products for about a year now and the results have been absolutely stellar…We use it primarily for implant surgery and maintenance (P3-Surgery and P3-Maintenance)…We have been able to RELIABLY treat peri-implantitis with P3 Surgery and avoid peri-implantitis using the P3-Maintenance on a schedule…We also have been able to get unbelievable results using P3 for large ridge augmentation grafts…the bone and soft tissue LOVES this product!! Lastly, we would like to give Kudos to Dr. Britt and Michelle….they provide the best customer support/service of any company we have ever dealt with…they answer all of our questions and take the time to make sure we thoroughly understand how to use the products…this has been a game changer for our practice!!

P3 Dental
Louis B.
Loyal Customer

Our office has been using P3 for 5 years. P3 is extremely easy to use and very affordable for our patients.

P3 Dental
Cynthia L.

Excellent Customer Service