A company can produce the very best pharmacological LAA formulas but without an effective clinician and patient friendly delivery system, the formulas are worthless. At P3, we have worked many years to develop a delivery system which is clinician and patient friendly.
For the non surgical application, there are two tips. The first tip is a microtubular copolymer tip which dispenses the formula along the free gingival margin. This tip is securely attached to the plastic dispensing syringe with a leur lock mechanism to ensure that the tip does not accidently dislodge into the patient’s mouth or posterior pharynx. After the formula is dispensed, the second instrument is a flexible copolymer “handle” with a dense fiber tip. Since this instrument is the diameter of a periodontal probe and flexible, it allows the clinician to easily place formula into the difficult to access subgingival areas (deep pockets, furcations, concavities and convexities).
P3 for Surgery comes with a different delivery system because formula is not being placed into a periodontal pocket. Since the surgical field is open, the formula is dispensed into a dappan dish and then swabbed onto the exposed roots of teeth and alveolar bone with enclosed cotton balls of correct size, held by cotton pliers (pick ups).
Each of the P3 products comes pre packaged with the appropriate number and type of tips for the specialized end use. The P3 delivery systems are totally painless to the patient and do not involve any form of needle or sharp object.